Frequently Asked Questions

Can I rent out the whole place for parties or team events?

Absolutely! Click here for different options available. Please contact us for different availability.

Call or Text us at 316-347-7599
E-mail us at

Do I bring my own clubs, balls, and tees?

We ask that you bring your own clubs, as we do not have any for rent.

Please do not use your own golf balls, as our specially marked golf balls must be used with the simulator.

Please use the stand tees that are provided instead of real tees. Real tees can become flying hazards.

How long does it take to play a round of indoor golf?

It takes approximately one hour to play 18 holes, per person. So, if you wanted to book a tee time for four people for 18 holes then you would book the tee time for four hours.

How early do I need to arrive and check in?

We ask that you check in 10 minutes prior to your scheduled tee time. This will allow us to show you how to use the simulator and to answer any questions.

How many people can play?

Due to spacing, we ask that a maximum of four players sign up per bay.

Do I have to book a tee time or do you take walk-ins?

While there might be times that we can accommodate walk-ins, this might not always be the case. To guarantee that someone is on site and that you can play when you want to, we ask that you book your tee times online.

Tee times are available during the following hours:

Monday-Thursday: 8:00am-9:00pm
Friday-Saturday: 8:00am-10:00pm
Sunday: 8:00am-6:00pm

Is there food and drinks available?

Feel free to bring in your own food and drinks (or have them delivered), as there is not any available for purchase. All food and drinks must stay off of the turf and out of the bays. No glass, please.

How much does it cost?

Pricing is as follows: Tee times are available by easily booking online today!




Prices are per hour, regardless of how many people play. It takes approximately one hour to play 18 holes, per person. So, if you wanted to book a tee time for four people for 18 holes at 4:00 on a Monday, then you would book the tee time for four hours and the cost would be $168.

How do I pay?

Payment for tee times will be taken at the time of booking through our online payment system or by calling 316-347-7599 and paying over the phone.  Payment must be in full to book your time. ​​We accept Visa, Mastercard, and Discover.  Unfortunately, we do not take cash or American Express.

Do I wear golf shoes?

You can wear whatever footwear is the most comfortable to you, as long as there are no metal spikes. To help keep the turf as clean as possible, we suggest that you bring in the shoes you plan to play golf in (rather than wearing them in) or make sure your shoes are as clean as possible before hitting the green!

Can I cancel my reservation?

Reservations must be canceled 24 hours ahead of time for a full refund. Account credit will be given for cancellations made outside of this window. There will be no refund or account credit for no-shows. Customers wishing to cancel less than 24 hours before their tee time, must call 316-347-7599.

Facility/party reservations must be canceled 120 hours (5 days) ahead of time, by calling 316-347-7599, for a refund. 

How long should I make my reservation for?

It takes approximately one hour to play 18 holes, per person. So, if you wanted to book a tee time for four people for 18 holes then you would book the tee time for four hours. Sessions are over at the end of the booking time, even if the round has not finished, so please plan accordingly.

Do I pay for how much time I used or how much time I reserved?

When you book a tee time, you are paying for the whole time that was booked. If you happen to finish before your time is up, feel free to practice on the driving range feature!

Can children play?

Children under the age of 16 can play if they are accompanied by an adult. Children over the age of 16 can play unsupervised as long as a guardian has signed the waiver.

Can I have a lesson with my own instructor?

Absolutely! Just book your tee time as you normally would.

Is there a dress code or rules for the facility?

We ask that people wear appropriate attire for a public place. We want everyone who visits Golf-In to have the best experience! In order to make sure that occurs, we ask that everyone who visits the facility be respectful to those around them. We thank you in advance for being mindful of loud music, foul language, and overall general behavior.

Do you offer gift certificates?

Absolutely! Click here to purchase an e-gift certificate.